In the world of marketing, it can be extremely exhausting. Hints why you hire companies like Weezle.com and use them to educate themselves and adapt so you don't have to, in marketing.
Straight to the point, These are the key terms to learn for your brand or like I said Hire someone to do for you :
- Branding Terms :
(Brought to you by Solid WP website)
Identity: The entire visual representation of your brand, can include logo, color, typography, imagery, voice, etc. Not just a logo.
Lettermark/Wordmark/Logotype: A type of logo made with stylized letters (IBM) or words (Coca-Cola)
Brandmark: A type of Logo made with a graphical representation (Apple, Target)
Icon: A simplified rendering of an object or concept. A logo and an icon are not the same thing.
Design System: A repository of reusable digital components that combine to form a website.
Brand Guide: A visual and philosophical reference for a brand’s color, personality and voice.
- User Experience Terms (UX) :
Persona: Fictional character that represents a primary user of your site/product. Usually, personas are very well-developed because they should represent real people with real motivations.
Wireframe: Low-fidelity layout of a site, representation of general block-level content and interactive elements.
Mockup: High-fidelity layout of a site, representation of final color, typography, imagery, etc.
Prototype: Interactive version of a site, may not be built with final code.
CTA: Call to action, usually paired with a button.
Conversion: When a user takes a specific desired action.
Landing Page: Single page optimized for a specific audience or search engine result.
Usability: How real users actually interact with your site, usually tested by observing a series of guided tasks.
- User Interface Terms (UI) :
Breadcrumb: Hierarchical content links.
Menu: Primary navigation area, sometimes with a dropdown or flyout of sub-menu items.
Filter: Pre-defined elements that allow narrowing down of visible content by various taxonomies (taxonomies are a fancy way of saying categories).
Search: Open-ended input that queries content and returns a list of results.
Slider: A trendy, animated way of displaying information that you probably shouldn’t use.
- Composition Terms :
Balance: Using similar or complementary design elements to make the composition feel equal.
Repetition: Using recurring elements to reinforce patterns or serve as familiar visual cues.
Whitespace: How much “breathing room” does each element have?
Grid: Underlying structure to a design that determines how everything lays out.
Rule of Thirds: A visual concept that states the most pleasing focal points are at the intersection of three rows and columns.
- Hierarchy Terms :
Scale: How large or small are the elements on the page relative to each other?
Proximity/Alignment: Which elements on the page are associated with each other?
Focal Point: The place on the page to which we are directing the user’s attention
Semantic Markup: Using HTML elements correctly to imply hierarchy and usage within the content.
- Typography Terms :
font (typeface): Collection of letters & glyphs/symbols
font-family: Which typeface are you using?
font-size: How big/small is it?
font-weight: How heavy/light is it?
font-style: Italic, underline, strike
line-height (leading): How much space between lines?
letter-spacing (tracking): Adjusting the spacing between groups of letters/blocks of text.
kerning: The spacing between individual letters.
text-decoration: Is the text underlined or does it have additional styling?
serif/sans serif: Serif fonts have an extra decorative stroke or line to the end of letters while a Sans Serif font is without.
- Color Terms :
HEX: On websites, the hexadecimal color, a six digit number used to represent color in HTML/CSS.
RGB: Additive color model used for screens, red/green/blue light values combining to form colors.
CMYK: For printing, subtractive color model used for ink, cyan/magenta/yellow/black ink combining to form colors.
Pantone/spot color: Specific custom inks of a certain color. Big brands usually have their own custom Pantone color.
Hue: Where is it on the color spectrum?
Saturation: How vivid or dull is the color?
Contrast: How much does it stand out?
Opacity: Solid or transparent?
- Imagery Terms :
Vector: Images that are made out of math (SVG, EPS).
Raster: Images that are made out of pixels (JPG, TIFF, PNG, GIF).
Resolution: How many pixels a raster images has (e.g. 800×600 or 2400×1200). A higher resolution will typically be a larger size, but higher detail.
Compression: Optimization (large/small file size).
JPG/JPEG: Best for photography and detailed images.
PNG: Best for graphics, simple color, and images with transparency.
GIF: Best for low detail graphics or animations.
TIFF: Best for print quality, not suited for screen display.
SVG: A vector image format suitable for display on the web, best for graphics & logos.
- Web Terms :
Heading: Titles and subtitles, written semantically with h1 – h6 tags. Useful for organizing information into a hierarchy and are utilized by search engines and screen readers.
Body Copy/Body Text: The primary written content, usually paragraphs, lists, quotes, etc.
Hero: The main image/graphic on a homepage or landing page, usually with a primary call to action.
Single-Scroll: A website where a majority of content is contained within a single page
Responsive Design: A design that is not fixed, but adapts to the user’s screen size and/or device.
Breakpoint: A specific point (e.g. width) where a website’s content/layout will change to fit a different interface.
Accessible: Ability of a website to be used by all audiences, including impaired vision, hearing, or motor function, through assistive technology or standard navigation.
Front-End: In general, dealing with code that runs in a browser and controls what is seen and interacted with.
Back-End: In general, dealing with code that runs on a server and controls the content and logic.
CMS: Content management system (like WordPress).
(To see the first article search 65 Web Design Terms on the Solid WP Website : Also, we do not own the rights to these descriptions but thought they would be useful to our followers. Let us know if you own the rights and want us to pull down from this site.)