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Does it Feel Hard to Find the "Normal Man's Advice"? // Men's Only Lifestyle Blog

What is Normal any way?

(This also goes towards women who also get it... you know who you are)

- For me, it is a father of two.. almost three that knows I cant control anyone but myself that keeps me at peace about politics or vaccines and can listen to others opinions without throwing a fit... fair?

However, raising a son I don't want to lose and even learn myself how to be a better man, leader, protector and provider every day. I believe generationally we have always had roles and those are in grained in our blood. Nothing we can really do about it.

For example, I was told once I stay up late while everyone is asleep because my ancestors use to have the men stay up and tend the fire for the tribe and protect the tribe from predators. Also, I was told people who are scared of offending people, rely on people and have always relied on others to take care of them. They are more community driven and a better ecosystem (I think personally) to thrive in abundance... However, I am unfortunately not that person and I love my alone time dealing with my own problems. Also, Fight or Flight response? That is generational to actually fight a threat or know when to run as fast as you can.

So anyways...

There are various qualities that can be beneficial for men to cultivate and develop. However, it's important to note that these qualities are not exclusive to men, and they can apply to people of any gender. Here are some qualities that can contribute to personal growth and healthy relationships:

  1. Emotional intelligence: Being aware of and understanding your own emotions, as well as being able to empathize with others, is crucial for healthy relationships and effective communication.

  2. Respect and empathy: Treat others with respect, kindness, and empathy. Show understanding and consideration for their perspectives, feelings, and boundaries.

  3. Integrity and honesty: Act with integrity by being honest and trustworthy in your words and actions. Admitting mistakes and taking responsibility for them is an important aspect of integrity.

  4. Open-mindedness: Be open to new ideas, perspectives, and experiences. Avoid making assumptions or holding rigid beliefs. Embrace diversity and appreciate the value of different opinions.

  5. Communication skills: Develop effective communication skills, including active listening, expressing yourself clearly and respectfully, and being open to constructive feedback. Good communication fosters healthy relationships and prevents misunderstandings.

  6. Self-awareness and personal growth: Strive for self-improvement and self-awareness. Reflect on your strengths and weaknesses, seek personal growth opportunities, and work on becoming the best version of yourself.

  7. Empowerment and support: Encourage and support others in their pursuits and aspirations. Celebrate their achievements and offer assistance when needed.

  8. Emotional resilience: Build emotional resilience to cope with life's challenges and setbacks. Develop healthy coping mechanisms, seek support when necessary, and practice self-care.

  9. Responsibility and accountability: Take responsibility for your actions and choices. Be accountable for the impact you have on others and the world around you.

  10. Equality and inclusivity: Promote equality and inclusivity in all aspects of life. Advocate for justice, fairness, and equal opportunities for everyone, regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity, or background.

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