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Austin Pray | Nerd Coach
5 min read
Sam Walton Made in America // My Summary & How it Impacted My Life - @talktoanerd
This book is about the most successful business man in the United States and how he accomplished Wal-Mart's Success.
2 min read
The 4-Hour Body By Timothy Ferriss // My Summary & How it Impacted My Life - @talktoanerd
The best value to life is to free up your time. Side note, Believe it or not, this is 100% written by myself. I read the book and wrote...
5 min read
The 4-Hour Workweek By Timothy Ferriss // My Summary & How it Impacted My Life - @talktoanerd
Attaining the lifestyle you want by being more productive and automating your income streams. The book is based on writing your own rule
5 min read
Unlimited Power by Tony Robbins // My Summary & How it Impacted My Life - @talktoanerd
In Reality, there is no such thing as failures, just learning experiences. The way you can consciously change how your mind processes
4 min read
Satisfied Customers Tell Three Friends, Angry Customers Tell 3,000 By Pete Blackshaw // My Summary & How it Impacted My Life - @talktoanerd
These are the reviews you receive or give, blogs that you are mentioned in or interact in (include social media sites), and just everything
3 min read
Building A Story Brand By Donald Miller // My Summary & How it Impacted My Life - @talktoanerd
Marketing and branding isn't only for product that is exchanged for money, it's for you as well. The average brain daydreams 30%
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